
Austrian Airlines Premium Economy AR-experience

Via Augmented Reality, Austrian Airlines enables its passengers to take a full look at its new MyAustrian Premium Economy even before entering an airplane.

Just pick up your smartphone, place the new Premium Economy seat in your living room or wherever you are and enjoy the interactive experience.

This way future passengers receive the possibility to explore all the new features of Austrian’s Premium Economy class, such as bigger seats, an extended entertainment system or a footrest, by only using the iOS Smartphone or Tablet. The new application was created in cooperation with the Austrian Augmented Reality expert VIEWAR to give passengers a real-life overview of all the extra benefits of this new product even before boarding a plane. This way Austrian is bridging the imagination gap, creating an emotional experience for all of its guests.


The system is based on the VIEWAR system – the Augmented Reality template system – in combination with Apple’s ARKit. This combination makes it possible to place objects, such as the seat, in your environment in true scale, not needing any marker or such. Other brands like IKEA, the New York times or Bang & Olufsen are using this technology to visualise their products or interactive content.

Just download the App in the iOS AppStore, searching for “MyAustrian Premium Economy” and take it for a test-ride.

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